Hi, everyone. I have some big deal, hot shit, life-altering news that I’d like to talk about, but it’s in my best interests not to go postin’ all over the interwebs about it. Alas, this is a teaser post. Individual inquiries about said news, addressed directly to me via email or face to face, are welcomed.
Since the news hit, I’ve been indulging in two of the biggest technology-enabled time wasters in existence: Facebook and Twitter. Neither of these fads really caught on with me until I started desperately seeking distractions. Boy, do I ever understand them now.
I also got my hands on Final Fantasy XII for PlayStation 2 – or rather, it got its hands on me. It sucks me in for 3- or 4-hour stretches from which I emerge bleary-eyed and delirious. I’m filled with shame at the amount of time I’m investing in an activity that provides me with no value. It’s not even like I find it very entertaining, which should be the sole motivating factor for playing a video game. I’m simply driven by a sick compulsion to complete the game’s assigned tasks one at a time, to enjoy that gratification of achieving something. The hardcore role playing gamer in me just loves watching my characters’ numbers (strength, vitality, etc.) go up.
My whole point in starting a game of FFXII was to indulge myself for a little while, but I’m not enjoying it the way that I’d hoped. Hard to say if this is due to the caliber of the game or to my inability to let myself enjoy something that doesn’t make me a better person – and God, what a lame person I’d be if the cause turned out to be the latter. Enjoying something for enjoyment’s sake is what indulging is all about.
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Hey, I’m going to be in Pittsburgh this weekend. What should I do there?